Do you know that the young lady is suffering from half side of the body paralysis!! This is something we all must have heard once in our lifetime, but we all know very less about it . What is paralysis? How is happens? What is the remedy? How can I save myself and my family from this? How to get the treatment for it? And so on!!
The questions regarding this medical condition are numerous but the answer is one. Physiotherapy!!
Paralysis is a condition of the body when our brain and body parts and unable to transact with each other due to which the brain cannot direct the particular body part to function the way its suppose to. This happens because of two reasons 1: Blockage in the ARTERY of brain 2: or complete damage to the particular ARTERY of the brains. The blood supply is cut off and(or due to insufficiency of the blood) In such a case the brain stops working since the left brain controls right side of the body and right brain control left side of the body therefore if the left side of the brain is damaged the right side of the body would be paralyzed and vice versa.
There are various reasons for it:
- High blood pressure :The first and the widely seen cause is High blood pressure ,Its now a problem even with 17 years old humans. It happens due to more intake of salt, stress etc , the reasons are numerous.
- Diabetes mellitus: Diabetes is also another cause of it. Do regular workouts and keep the check on sugar intake.
- Heart conditions: Heart conditions are also responsible for it. When the body doesn’t get proper exercise and healthy food , or if one smokes a lot then such issues arise.
- Obesity: Obesity is the cause of not the only blockage in the artery but it’s the origin point of many more disease , be it B.P., diabetes or Heart disease or any other.
- Drug addiction: Drug addiction makes hampers the proper brain functioning and may cause paralysis.
- Tumor/cancer: Tumor or cancer may also lead to paralysis.
- Stress and depression: Today the cases of depression and stress are at surge. Every 3 person is suffering from it.
- High Cholesterol: The lifestyle of today’s generation is such that workout is nil and junk food has become the main food which in turn increases the bad cholesterol levels in the body which may also cause blockage in the veins.
- Sudden Attack: The problem may also arise due to the sudden attack or the shock of some sad news or unexpected event for which a person is not mentally prepared.
Paralysis may be in various forms , half body or complete body may stop functioning or a person may lose his voice or eyesight all of a sudden. Instability while walking, slurring of speech, memory dysfunction, arms and leg weakness/ loss of function
Physiotherapy helps in recovering from it. Medicines are helpful in recovery and preventing from the next possible attack but remedy is physiotherapy(by making person functional and helping to achieve daily activities with affected side). As per the renowned doctor of AIIMS -India, exercise and physiotherapy works like a miracle on the patients.
So, Take precautions , avoid unhealthy lifestyle and keep the body active.
The Author
Dr. Surbhi Kaura.
Jr. Physiotherapist
Department of Neurology
AIIMS, New Delhi.
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